On 08.01.01 Konrad Rosenbaum (konrad.rosenbaum@t-online.de) wrote:
PPS.: Kostprobe gefällig? Worin unterscheidet sich der Output dieser beiden Kommandozeilen: pwd ; ( mkdir tmp ; cd tmp ) ; echo `pwd` pwd ; { mkdir tmp ; cd tmp ; } ; echo `pwd`
drachi:[hille] >man bash <snip> Compound Commands A compound command is one of the following:
(list) list is executed in a subshell. Variable assign- ments and builtin commands that affect the shell's environment do not remain in effect after the com- mand completes. The return status is the exit sta- tus of list.
{ list; } list is simply executed in the current shell envi- ronment. list must be terminated with a newline or semicolon. This is known as a group command. The return status is the exit status of list.