On 29.01.03 Torsten Werner (email@twerner42.de) wrote:
[Soundrecording from File]
siehe man:vsound, z. B.
$ vsound -f output.wav realplay input.rm
drachi:[hille] >vsound sox stuff/sounds/pronounce-linux.au -t ossdsp /dev/dsp About to start the application. The output will not be available until the application exits. Missing file ./vsound22528.au. This means that the libvsound wrapper did not work correctlty. Here are some the possible reasons : - You are trying to record a stream (RTSP or PNM protocol) from the internet. You will need to use the --timing option. - The program you are trying to run is setuid. You will need to run vsound as root. - Vsound was not properly installed and hence won't work at all.
Und geht nicht. Schade. "sox $FILE -t ossdsp /dev/dsp" sollte äquivalent sein zu "play $FILE". Wenn ich mpg123 verwende tut es. Letzte Frage: Gibts was äquivalentes für Video, also: Ich zapfe mittels Realplayer einen Streamingserver an und lasse das Video auf meinem lokalen Rechner niederschreiben.