Am Mittwoch, 27. September 2006 08:48 schrieb
Hi Silvio & all!
Also: Ziel ist es, zwei Netzwerke über zwei WLAN-Strecken mit (quasi) doppelter Bandbreite ausfallsicher zu verknüpfen.
Du hast also zwei Funkstrecken die zwei Netzwerke miteinander verbinden? In dem WLAN selbst sind keine Clients oder den WLAN-Routern?
Ich glaube dann kann es auch ohne die tun-devices gehen. Ich habe gerade mal die bonding.txt der Kernel-Sourcen gelesen ( ) . Folgendes könnte interessant sein:
<schnipp> It is critical that either the miimon or arp_interval and arp_ip_target parameters be specified, otherwise serious network degradation will occur during link failures.
Specifies the ARP monitoring frequency in milli-seconds. If ARP monitoring is used in a load-balancing mode (mode 0 or 2), the switch should be configured in a mode that evenly distributes packets across all links - such as round-robin. If the switch is configured to distribute the packets in an XOR fashion, all replies from the ARP targets will be received on the same link which could cause the other team members to fail. ARP monitoring should not be used in conjunction with miimon. A value of 0 disables ARP monitoring. The default value is 0.
Specifies the ip addresses to use when arp_interval is > 0. These are the targets of the ARP request sent to determine the health of the link to the targets. Specify these values in ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd format. Multiple ip adresses must be seperated by a comma. At least one ip address needs to be given for ARP monitoring to work. The maximum number of targets that can be specified is set at 16.
Limitations =========== The main limitations are : - only the link status is monitored. If the switch on the other side is partially down (e.g. doesn't forward anymore, but the link is OK), the link won't be disabled. Another way to check for a dead link could be to count incoming frames on a heavily loaded host. This is not applicable to small servers, but may be useful when the front switches send multicast information on their links (e.g. VRRP), or even health-check the servers. Use the arp_interval/arp_ip_target parameters to count incoming/outgoing frames. <schnapp>
Zumindest wenn Du "konstanten" Traffic hast kann es so funktionieren.
MfG, Silvio