Hallo Liste,
nachdem ich den heutigen Vormittag wieder mit meinem Raspberry und CUPS gerungen habe, und immer noch kein Erfolg zu verzeichnen ist. Bin ich ziemlich ratlos.
aktueller Stand: * Canon Treibermodule "cndrvcups-common-2.70" und "cndrvcups-lb-2.70" ohne erkennbare Fehlermeldung übersetzt und installiert * Drucker in CUPS eingerichtet * als Standard festgelegt
=> * Druckaufträge werden laut Debug-Meldungen von CUPS an den Drucker gesendet, werden dort jedoch nicht in Papier umgesetzt.
Unabhängig ob ich einen Testseite aus CUPS oder mittels lpr -v README absende erhalte ich keinen Hinweis, wo ich bei der Fehlersuche ansetzen soll.
Habt Ihr einen Hinweis oder Hilfestellung für mich?
CUPS-ErrorLog für einen mittels "lpr -v README" abgesendeten Druckauftrag:
D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdAcceptClient: 15 from localhost (Domain) D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Report: clients=1 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Report: jobs=20 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Report: jobs-active=0 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Report: printers=1 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Report: printers-implicit=0 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Report: stringpool-string-count=1065 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=8688 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=19688 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 15 POST / HTTP/1.1 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Not busy" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided. D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 15 1.1 CUPS-Get-Default 1 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] CUPS-Get-Default D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Not busy", busy="Active clients" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 15 POST /printers/Canon_MF4100_Series HTTP/1.1 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Not busy" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided. D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 15 1.1 Create-Job 1 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Create-Job ipp://localhost:631/printers/Canon_MF4100_Series D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-) D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] add_job: requesting-user-name="pi" I [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] Adding start banner page "none". D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Discarding unused job-created event... I [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] Queued on "Canon_MF4100_Series" by "pi". D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Returning IPP successful-ok for Create-Job (ipp://localhost:631/printers/Canon_MF4100_Series) from localhost D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 15 POST /printers/Canon_MF4100_Series HTTP/1.1 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided. D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 15 1.1 Send-Document 1 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Send-Document ipp://localhost:631/printers/Canon_MF4100_Series D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="pi" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] Auto-typing file... D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] Request file type is text/plain. D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-) D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" I [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] File of type text/plain queued by "pi". I [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] Adding end banner page "none". D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-) D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-) D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event... D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] job-sheets=none,none D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] argv[0]="Canon_MF4100_Series" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] argv[1]="21" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] argv[2]="pi" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] argv[3]="README" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] argv[4]="1" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] argv[5]="finishings=3 number-up=1 job-uuid=urn:uuid:51caabed-2f7a-3cd0-6cd6-66752d2bc2e9 job-originating-host-name=localhost time-at-creation=1382964638 time-at-processing=1382964638" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00021-001" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc-root" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[9]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[10]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@raspberrypi" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.5.3" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[13]="TZ=Etc/UTC" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[14]="USER=root" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[15]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[16]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[17]="IPP_PORT=631" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[18]="CHARSET=utf-8" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[19]="LANG=en_GB.UTF-8" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[20]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/Canon_MF4100_Series.ppd" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[21]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[22]="CONTENT_TYPE=text/plain" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[23]="DEVICE_URI=usb://Canon/MF4100%20Series?serial=SD3011800809B&interface=1" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[24]="PRINTER_INFO=Canon MF4150 Drucker" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[25]="PRINTER_LOCATION=" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[26]="PRINTER=Canon_MF4100_Series" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[27]="PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=none" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[28]="CUPS_FILETYPE=document" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[29]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/Canon_MF4100_Series" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] envp[30]="AUTH_I****" I [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/texttopdf (PID 17457) I [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf (PID 17458) I [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftops (PID 17459) I [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoufr2cpca (PID 17460) I [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb (PID 17461) D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Discarding unused job-state-changed event... D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Returning IPP successful-ok for Send-Document (ipp://localhost:631/printers/Canon_MF4100_Series) from localhost D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 15 WAITING Closing on EOF D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdCloseClient: 15 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] pstoufr2cpca start. D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] pdftops - copying to temp print file "/var/spool/cups/tmp/0443352792d84" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] Printing on printer with URI: usb://Canon/MF4100%20Series?serial=SD3011800809B&interface=1 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] libusb_get_device_list=4 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] STATE: +connecting-to-device D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event... D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] Page = 595x842; 14,17 to 581,825 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] STATE: -connecting-to-device D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event... D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] Device protocol: 2 I [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] Sending data to printer. D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] Set job-printer-state-message to "Sending data to printer.", current level=INFO D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Discarding unused job-progress event... D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event... D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] PID 17457 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/texttopdf) exited with no errors. D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] PID 17458 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf) exited with no errors. D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] Using image rendering resolution 600 dpi D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] Started filter gs (PID 17464) D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:38 +0000] [Job 21] Started filter pstops (PID 17465) D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] Page = 595x842; 14,17 to 581,825 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] %!PS-Adobe-3.0 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] %%BoundingBox: 0 0 595 842 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] %%Creator: GPL Ghostscript 905 (ps2write) D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] %%LanguageLevel: 2 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] %%CreationDate: D:20131028125039Z00'00' D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] %%Pages: 1 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] %%EndComments D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] Before copy_prolog - %%BeginProlog D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] Before copy_setup - %%Page: 1 1 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] Before page loop - %%Page: 1 1 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] Copying page 1... D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] pagew = 566.7, pagel = 808.0 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 595, bboxl = 842 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] PageLeft = 14.2, PageRight = 580.8 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] PageTop = 825.0, PageBottom = 17.0 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] PID 17464 (gs) exited with no errors. D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] Wrote 1 pages... D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] [Job 21] PID 17465 (pstops) exited with no errors. D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:40 +0000] PID 17459 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftops) exited with no errors. D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:41 +0000] [Job 21] Read 50 bytes of print data... D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:41 +0000] [Job 21] Wrote 50 bytes of print data... D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:41 +0000] [Job 21] Sent 50 bytes... D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:41 +0000] PID 17460 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoufr2cpca) did not catch or ignore signal 13. D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:41 +0000] [Job 21] Waiting for read thread to exit... D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:41 +0000] PID 17461 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/usb) exited with no errors. D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:41 +0000] Discarding unused job-completed event... I [28/Oct/2013:12:50:41 +0000] [Job 21] Job completed. D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:41 +0000] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-) D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:41 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:41 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:41 +0000] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event... D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:42 +0000] [Job 21] Unloading... D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:51 +0000] cupsdAcceptClient: 15 from localhost:631 (IPv4) D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:51 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 15 GET /admin/log/error_log? HTTP/1.1 D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:51 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files" D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:51 +0000] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as pi using Basic D [28/Oct/2013:12:50:52 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files" I [28/Oct/2013:12:51:09 +0000] Saving job.cache... D [28/Oct/2013:12:51:09 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Not busy", busy="Dirty files" D [28/Oct/2013:12:52:56 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 15 WAITING Closing on EOF D [28/Oct/2013:12:52:56 +0000] cupsdCloseClient: 15 D [28/Oct/2013:12:52:56 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Not busy", busy="Not busy" D [28/Oct/2013:12:52:56 +0000] Report: clients=0 D [28/Oct/2013:12:52:56 +0000] Report: jobs=21 D [28/Oct/2013:12:52:56 +0000] Report: jobs-active=0 D [28/Oct/2013:12:52:56 +0000] Report: printers=1 D [28/Oct/2013:12:52:56 +0000] Report: printers-implicit=0 D [28/Oct/2013:12:52:56 +0000] Report: stringpool-string-count=1067 D [28/Oct/2013:12:52:56 +0000] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=8688 D [28/Oct/2013:12:52:56 +0000] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=19720 D [28/Oct/2013:12:53:53 +0000] cupsdAcceptClient: 15 from localhost:631 (IPv4) D [28/Oct/2013:12:53:53 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 15 GET /admin/log/error_log? HTTP/1.1 D [28/Oct/2013:12:53:53 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Not busy" D [28/Oct/2013:12:53:53 +0000] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as pi using Basic D [28/Oct/2013:12:53:54 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Not busy", busy="Active clients" D [28/Oct/2013:12:54:01 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 15 WAITING Closing on EOF D [28/Oct/2013:12:54:01 +0000] cupsdCloseClient: 15 D [28/Oct/2013:12:54:01 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Not busy", busy="Not busy" D [28/Oct/2013:12:54:01 +0000] Report: clients=0 D [28/Oct/2013:12:54:01 +0000] Report: jobs=21 D [28/Oct/2013:12:54:01 +0000] Report: jobs-active=0 D [28/Oct/2013:12:54:01 +0000] Report: printers=1 D [28/Oct/2013:12:54:01 +0000] Report: printers-implicit=0 D [28/Oct/2013:12:54:01 +0000] Report: stringpool-string-count=1067 D [28/Oct/2013:12:54:01 +0000] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=8688 D [28/Oct/2013:12:54:01 +0000] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=19720 D [28/Oct/2013:12:54:01 +0000] cupsdAcceptClient: 15 from localhost:631 (IPv4) D [28/Oct/2013:12:54:01 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 15 GET /admin/log/error_log? HTTP/1.1 D [28/Oct/2013:12:54:01 +0000] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Not busy" D [28/Oct/2013:12:54:01 +0000] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as pi using Basic