Nachdem jetzt gmx und Geld für den SMS Versand wollen, denke ich darüber nach selber per Modemeinwahl SMS zu verschicken.
Smsclient scheint das zu machen. Hat schonmal jemand das gemacht, bzw. durchgerechnet ob das günstiger ist?
--guettli@sonne:~$ apt-cache show smsclient Package: smsclient Version: 2.0.8y-2 Description: A program for sending short messages (SM / SMS) smsclient is a tool for sending short messages (SM - often false named SMS). SM can be sent to mobile phones. Additional some paging systems are supported by this tool. smsclient supports the common protocols UCP, TAP and some other. Out of the box there is preconfigured support for many local services, but smsclient can be easily extended to support other systems.