On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 06:02:08PM +0100, Josef Spillner wrote:
Am Sonntag, 7. Januar 2001 13:55 schrieb Hilmar Preusse:
The most dangerous organization in America today is: (a) The KKK (b) The American Nazi Party (c) The Delta Frequent Flyer Club
(d) AAAAA - American Association Against Acronym Abuse ;)
Zum Thema Akronyme :)
IBM announced today that employees will no longer be able to use acronyms of any kind. Alfred S. Smith, VP of ICD, is leading the effort to eradicate ASAP all acronyms within the corporation. According to Smith, "IMHO acronyms inhibit communication - especially those of the TLA variety. Others agree with me. According to the ACM, acronyms account for a great number of problems within LCs."
Smith says that IBM is tackling the problem with a TPS. The first prong is t write software capable of translating acronyms to their LF equivalents. The program, to be called TAT, will be written in COBOL and deployed initially o IBM RISC chips using the AIX OS. Availability for PCs running OS/2 or MS NT is planned for the 3Q of 1997.
The 2P of the strategy involves UE within IBM. The IED is designing an OIC and drafting a RBP for delivering it to all NPP. PPs are exempt from the IEP since SHS that, unlike normal people, they are incapable of communicating WUA.
IBM - International Business Machines VP - Vice President ICD - Internal Communications Department ASAP - As Soon As Possible IMHO - In My Humble Opinion TLA - Three Letter Acronym ACM - Association for Computing Machinery LCs - Large Corporations TPS - Two-Pronged Strategy LF - Long Form TAT - The Acronym Terminator COBOL - COmmon Business Oriented Language RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computing AIX - Advanced Interactive Executive OS - Operating System PC - Personal Computer OS/2 - Operating System/2 MS - Microsoft NT - New Technology 3Q - Third Quarter 2P - Second Prong UE - User Education IED - Internal Education Division OIC - Official IBM Course RBP - Really Big Plan NPP - Non-Programming Personnel PP - Programming Personnel IEP - Internal Education Program SHS - Studies Have Shown WUA - Without the Use of Acronyms
Josef Spillner