Mahlzeit Hilmar
Am Donnerstag, 8. Januar 2004 12:02 schrieb Hilmar Preusse:
On 05.01.04 Stefan Seyfried ( wrote:
aus "man smartd" folgere ich schluss, daß Attribut 9 oft nichtstandard verwendet wird und zwar entweder die "Power On Hours" oder die Temperatur angibt. => mostly harmless.
Der Test am (noch) lebenden Objekt ;-)
<------------- schnipp ---------------> debian:~ # smartctl --all /dev/hda
[...] Device Model: Maxtor 4D040H2 [...] SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 16 Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds: ID# ATTRIBUTE_NAME FLAG VALUE WORST THRESH TYPE WHEN_FAILED RAW_VALUE 3 Spin_Up_Time 0x0027 235 234 063 Pre-fail - 5913 4 Start_Stop_Count 0x0032 253 253 000 Old_age - 128 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0033 253 253 063 Pre-fail - 0 6 Read_Channel_Margin 0x0001 253 253 100 Pre-fail - 0 7 Seek_Error_Rate 0x000a 253 252 000 Old_age - 0 8 Seek_Time_Performance 0x0027 251 241 187 Pre-fail - 39999 9 Power_On_Hours 0x0032 237 237 000 Old_age - 5915 10 Spin_Retry_Count 0x002b 253 252 223 Pre-fail - 0 11 Calibration_Retry_Count 0x002b 253 252 223 Pre-fail - 0 12 Power_Cycle_Count 0x0032 253 253 000 Old_age - 155 [...] <------------- schnapp --------------->
Hier bei der Platte steht die ID 9 anscheinend für die Power_ON_Hours. Die Zeit in Stunden hat die sicherlich schon auf dem Buckel. Eher noch mehr. Ansonsten brauch die Platte sofort kalte Wickel gegen Fieber :-)
Was hast Du für 'ne merkwürdige Manpage? Bei mir steht sowas nicht.
Implicit wird es wohl drin stehen. In "man smartd" kannst du mal nach "HOUR" suchen. Da findest du eine Bespielkonfiguration, wo die 9 mit Power_On bezeichnet wird. In dem Manual zu smartctl wird die Option -v beschrieben
<------------- schnipp ---------------> -v N,OPTION, --vendorattribute=N,OPTION [...] 9,minutes - Raw Attribute number 9 is power-on time in minutes. Its raw value will be displayed in the form 'Xh+Ym'. Here X is hours, and Y is minutes in the range 0-59 inclusive. Y is always printed with two digits, for example Ž06' or Ž31' or '00'.
9,temp - Raw Attribute number 9 is the disk temper ature in Celsius. [...] <--------------- schnapp -------------->
Eventuell ist auch noch der zweite Punkt aus der FAQ für deine Platte anwendbar.
<--------------- schnipp --------------> [Quelle:]
The power-on timer (Attribute 9 raw value) on my Maxtor disk acts strange.
There are three related problems with Maxtor's SMART firmware:
1 - On some disks from 2001/2002, the raw value of Attribute 9 (Power On Time) is supposed to be minutes. But it advances at an unpredictable rate, always more slowly than one count per minute. One (unconfirmed) theory is that when the disk is in idle mode, the counter stops advancing. This is only supposed to happen in standby mode.
2 - In Maxtor disks that use the raw value of Attribute 9 as a minutes counter, only two bytes (of the six available) are used to store the raw value. So it resets to zero once every 65536=2^16 minutes, or about once every 1092 hours. This is fixed in all Maxtor disks manufactured after July 2003, where the raw value was extended to four bytes.
3 - In Maxtor disks that use the raw value of Attribute 9 as a minutes counter, the hour time-stamps in the self-test and ATA error logs are calculated by right shifting 6 bits. This is equivalent to dividing by 64 rather than by 60. As a result, the hour time stamps in these logs advance 7% more slowly than they should. Thus, if you do self-tests once per week at the same time, instead of the time-stamps being 168 hours apart, they are 157 hours apart. This is also fixed in all Maxtor disks manufactured after July 2003. <--------------- schnapp -------------->