Hallo Hilmar,
On Thu, 2006-10-26 at 11:39 +0200, Hilmar Preusse wrote:
http://itc.napier.ac.uk/e-Petition/bundestag/view_petition.asp?PetitionID=29... ^^^^^
Muß ich mir Gedanken machen, weil die Seite zwar aussieht, wie die vom Bundestag, aber nicht mal in .de gehostet wird?
Die Seite ist gehosted auf Napier University (UK) die mit dem Deutschen Bundestag zusammenarbeit:
siehe: http://itc.napier.ac.uk/ITC/projectSummaries.asp#Project24
e-Petitioning for the German Bundestag ITC are working with the Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag to research and report on e-engagement using the e-Petitioner tool in order to support their Public Petitions agenda. We have taken our existing e-Petitioner System, and redesigned it in collaboration with their Online Services Department to produce an application to contend with the needs of a large European Parliament. In addition, this is our first release of e-Petitioner in a language other than English.
e-Petitioner will assist the German Bundestag in discharging their responsibilities to upholding the right of their citizens to petition the Parliament, by providing a novel electronic channel to compliment their exisiting work with paper petitions.
The Bundestag e-Petitioner was formally launched on 1st September 2005.
* The German Bundestag e-Petitioner website * More about the project
Beste Gruesse