...man achte auf das Datum...
----- Original Message ----- From: "Linus Torvalds" torvalds@transmeta.com Newsgroups: linux.kernel Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 10:40 PM Subject: Upcoming rewrite of kernel
Hi folks,
I have been dealing with maintaining Linux in a mixture of C and Assembler for over twelve years now. While it has been a lot of fun, every day dealing with these essentially dead languages has become harder and harder for me, and other programers seem to agree.
Thus, starting with Linux 3.0 (to be released hopefully by next summer), the kernel will be completely rewritten in the easy-to-use Visual Basic language. This will eliminate all issues involving buffer overruns, as well as streamlining porting of Windows programs to Linux, since Microsoft (who will now assume ownership of Linux) assure me that Windows is written entirely in VB as well.
Microsoft has also stated that they intend to incorporate Windows features, such as the RRS (Rapid Random Shutdown) in Windows 95, into Linux 3.0.
On Wednesday, 3. April 2002 22:53, Alexander Gappisch wrote:
...man achte auf das Datum...
[ text ]
sowas aehnliches gab es auch auf der Kernelliste. Dort wollte er Linux eine neue Fuehrung geben und jeder sollte sein Voting abgeben. Klar das dann Namen wie Bill Gates auftauchen ;-))